Friday, January 17, 2014


I am drinking champagne and watching Pretty In Pink with my multiple cats (c'mon - like 90% of you didn't already think that I have cats surrounding my person at all times, including the ones I routinely throw at passersby) and contemplating recapping movies (such as PIP) in addition to my regular BH, 90210 duties.  Just a thought.  Because sometimes, coming up with new ways to call Brandon Walsh a mother-fucking piece of shit douche-bag monster cock is a chore and a half.  And while I LOVE Pretty In Pink, for example, there is a lot of heinous clothing and horrible acting and embarrassment that comes with it.  I don't know.  Perhaps making decisions while in a haze of Barefoot Moscato Spumante and In-N-Out is not the best idea.  We'll see how I feel in the morning when I'm hungover and "If You Leave" won't fucking LEEEEEEAVE my auditory cortex. RIM SHOT FOR THE CHEAP SEATS! 


  1. Yes, please review EVERYTHING! I love your blog!

    1. Thanks, SA RA! I'm glad you're enjoying it - I'm trying to crank 'em out as fast as I can :).
